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2024-01-09 11:32:28

FLNP Directorate regrets to announce the death of one of the oldest staff members of the Laboratory Viktor Zamry

FLNP Directorate regrets to announce the death of one of the oldest staff members of the Laboratory Viktor Zamry

2024-01-02 15:23:45

FLNP Directorate regrets to announce that on 1 January, 2024, a former FLNP staff member Boris Ananiev died

FLNP Directorate regrets to announce that on 1 January, 2024, a former FLNP staff member Boris Ananiev died

2023-12-29 17:40:28

The results for 2023 have been summed up

The results for 2023 have been summed up

2023-12-28 11:57:13

The results of the competition for awarding grants to JINR young scientists and specialists for 2024 are announced

Ersultan Arynbek
Bulat Bakirov
Nadezhda Belozerova
Maxim Zakharov
Kuanysh Nazarov
Alexander Nezvanov
Pavel Nekhoroshkov
Olga Ponomareva
Alexander Popov
Anton Rutkauskas
Hassan Ahmed Abuelhamd Abdelnabi
Nikita Yushin

Anastasia Kozlyakovskaya
Maria Petrova
Vitaly Skuratov

2023-12-21 06:59:18

The winners of the competition for the AYSS Prizes in 2023 have been announced

This year, young employees of our Laboratory took a quarter of all prizes, for which we congratulate them!

Scientific and research teoretical work:

I prize: M. Zakharov

Scientific and research experimental work:

II prize: E. Arinbek

III prize: O. Lis

2023-12-20 13:31:17

Congratulations to the winners of the Frank scholarship!

Olga Lis, Sergey Sumnikov, Vladimir Zhaketov in the "Physics of Condensed Matter" section

Sabuhi Nuruev in the "Neutron nuclear Physics" section

Maksim Podlesii in the "Scientific and methodological developments for neutron research" section

The jury members congratulate all the laureates on their well-deserved victory and wish them further creative success!

2023-12-20 08:47:26

Congratulations to the winners of the F.L.Shapiro scholarship 2023!

In the section "Neutron spectroscopy" awards are given to:

Almat Ergashov

Igor Chuprakov

In the section "Physics of condensed matter" awards are given to:

Sergey Kurakin

Meir Erdauletov

We wish the winners further success in all their endeavors!

2023-11-27 07:32:04

On 25 November, jubilee of the leading researcher of Group No. 1 REMUR Yury Nikitenko was celebrated

On 25 November, jubilee of the leading researcher of Group No. 1 REMUR Yury Nikitenko was celebrated

2023-11-27 07:27:49

On 20 November, 2023, Maxim Podlesnyy defended his Ph.D. thesis

On 20 November, 2023, Maxim Podlesnyy defended his Ph.D. thesis

2023-11-10 12:12:36

The 2024 I.M. Frank and F.L. Shapiro scholarships for young scientists is announced in FLNP

Scholarship applicants must submit an application by November 30, attaching a list of published works over the last 5 years and an abstract in Russian (1-2 pages) reflecting personal contribution to the work.

2023-10-23 12:37:32

October 23, 2023 marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of Ilya Mikhailovich Frank

October 23, 2023 marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist of our time, Nobel and State Prize laureate, one of the founders and first Director of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Academician Ilya Mikhailovich Frank. In honor of his outstanding achievements and enormous contribution to the formation and development of the Laboratory, LNP was named after I.M. Frank.

2023-09-18 11:46:01

A competition of research and methodological papers for the FLNP Prize for 2023

Detailed information in the attached file

The deadline for accepting is October 1, 2023.