of Neutron Physics

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On 25 June, a meeting of PAC members with JINR Directorate was held

The Committee also reviewed 19 virtual reports by young scientists from the Institute on their research in the field of condensed matter physics and related fields. The winners of the poster session of the previous, 58th meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics were awarded.

The best report of the 59th meeting was recognized as the poster report by FLNP junior researcher Olga Lis “The impact of high pressure on the crystalline, magnetic structures and vibrational spectra of van der Waals compounds” that will be presented at the session of the JINR Scientific Council in September 2024. The PAC also noted the high level of two other poster reports “Convolutional neural networks for reconstructing 3D neutron tomography prototypes from incomplete data” and “The impact of calcium ions on the structure and morphology of lipid membranes in the occurrence of the Ab(25-35) peptide”, presented by a FLNP junior researcher Bulat Bakirov and FLNP research intern Sergey Kurakin, respectively.