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2024-07-22 10:14:47

FLNP Directorate announces with deep regret that on 14 July, at the age of 91, one of the oldest employees of the Laboratory Yury Taran passed away

FLNP Directorate announces with deep regret that on 14 July, at the age of 91, one of the oldest employees of the Laboratory Yury Taran passed away

2024-06-26 06:10:55

On 25 June, a meeting of PAC members with JINR Directorate was held

The Committee also reviewed 19 virtual reports by young scientists from the Institute on their research in the field of condensed matter physics and related fields. The winners of the poster session of the previous, 58th meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics were awarded.

2024-05-24 06:44:58

JINR employee Marina Frontasyeva among top five scientists in Russia

JINR employee Marina Frontasyeva among top five scientists in Russia

2024-05-24 06:38:06

On 25 April, 2024, a license for operation of the IBR-2 pulsed reactor was issued for the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

On 25 April, 2024, a license for operation of the IBR-2 pulsed reactor was issued for the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

2024-05-15 07:42:47

First JINR-China workshop on neutron scattering technology finishes in Dubna

First JINR-China workshop on neutron scattering technology finishes in Dubna

2024-04-23 06:59:49

On 20 April, 2024, after a serious, long illness, one of the veterans of our Institute and Laboratory Nikolay Alekseevich Gundorin passed away.

On 20 April, 2024, after a serious, long illness, one of the veterans of our Institute and Laboratory Nikolay Alekseevich Gundorin passed away.

2024-04-10 06:55:37

On 5 April, the JINR Candidates and Doctors of Sciences having defended their PhD theses in the dissertation councils of JINR

On 5 April, the JINR Candidates and Doctors of Sciences having defended their PhD theses in the dissertation councils of JINR

2024-03-25 06:49:59

On March 22, 2024, on a black day for our country, the life of our young and talented colleague Lyuba Truntova was tragically cut short...

On March 22, 2024, on a black day for our country, the life of our young and talented colleague Lyuba Truntova was tragically cut short...

2024-03-21 07:35:44

On Friday, 15 March, a ceremonial seminar dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the commissioning of the IBR-2 reactor was held at the JINR Scientists’ Club

On Friday, 15 March, a ceremonial seminar dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the commissioning of the IBR-2 reactor was held at the JINR Scientists’ Club

2024-03-07 16:59:29

The Laboratory Directorate congratulates all women on the 8th of March and wishes love, happiness and a great mood!

The Laboratory Directorate congratulates all women on the 8th of March and wishes love, happiness and a great mood!

2024-02-27 12:06:16

MAS Academician Professor Deleg Sangaa was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of Mongolia

MAS Academician Professor Deleg Sangaa was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of Mongolia

2024-02-20 08:03:46

Yuri M. Gledenov, leading researcher of FLNP JINR, was honored with the People's Republic of China's highest award for foreign experts ― the Chinese Government Friendship Award

Yuri M. Gledenov, leading researcher of FLNP JINR, was honored with the People's Republic of China's highest award for foreign experts ― the Chinese Government Friendship Award