All news
2025-01-19 00:10:42
On 19 January, the 80th jubilee of the FLNP chief researcher Anatoly Balagurov is celebrated!
2024-12-28 07:59:36
On December 26, an extended meeting of the FLNP Directorate was held, at which the results of 2024 were summed up
2024-12-23 13:10:21
On 19 December, a seminar in memory of Vladimir Nazarov (10 December, 1931 – 30 December, 1994) was held
2024-12-16 10:24:29
On 3-5 December, the 6th Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists was held at FLNP JINR
2024-12-13 13:02:33
Recording of the FLNP seminar 11.12.24
S.V. Streltsov (Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor of RAS, Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics M.N.Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia), "Orbital degrees of freedom in condensed matter physics", [pdf] [video]
2024-11-29 06:50:30
Recording of the DNP seminar 27.11.24
Voronin Aleksey Yuryevich (Lebedev Physical Institut, Doctor of physics and mathematics, Leading researcher at the Laboratory of Theoretical Nuclear Physics) "Search for spin-dependent 5 forces in neutron whispering gallery effects" [video] [pdf]
2024-11-25 07:34:08
Presentation and recording of the Jubilee Commemorative Seminar dedicated to Lev B. Pikelner
2024-11-25 07:05:32
Recording of the DNP seminar 20.11.24
Ruskov I.N. "Multipurpose NaI(Tl) Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Systems" [video]
2024-11-14 08:50:25
JINR AYSS announces a competition for JINR Young Scientists and Specialists Grants for 2025
Young scientists, specialists and employees of Laboratories, as well as the Institute departments under the age of 35 are invited to participate in the competition. Information on the procedure and conditions of participation in the competition is determined by the JINR Grants Regulations and is available at the link.