Responsible for the facility
Aleksander Kuklin
tel. +7 (49621) 6-74-17
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Ivankov Oleksandr
tel. +7 (49621) 6-62-75
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Main research areas
- Sizes, spatial correlations and shapes of particles, agglomerates, pores and (or) the fractal dimension of crystalline, amorphous samples, colloidal solutions, biological objects in the range from 1 nm to several hundreds of nanometers.
- Structural changes at phase transitions;
- Degree of polydispersity;
- Aggregation number;
- Molecular weight
- Determining the density of an object;
- Investigation of the homogeneity of objects.
- Analysis of the distribution density of the objects under investigation.
Main view of facility
Sample environment
Description of YuMO
Small-angle neutron scattering is widely used in investigations of the supraatomic structure of matter as an efficient technique for studying fundamental problems and meeting the crucial technological issues. It is used in condensed matter physics, physical chemistry of disperse systems, surface-active substance aggregates, biophysics and molecular biology, in the research of polymeric substances, in metallurgy and other fields of science and technology. The key point of small-angle scattering is the possibility of analyzing the structure of disordered systems. This method, for instance, is often the only way to obtain direct structural data on systems with chaotic and partially ordered density inhomogeneities with characteristic sizes of 10-10000 Angstrom; it allows to study the disperse structure of alloys, powders, glasses (mechanisms of phase splitting, the size and degree of polydispersity of particles), structural features of polymers in various aggregate states, weight and geometric characteristics of biological macromolecules and their complexes, biological permolecular structures, such as biological membranes and viruses. The significant difference in neutron scattering lengths for hydrogen and deuterium, as well as the possibility of selective deuteration of macromolecules and permolecular structures, makes small-angle neutron scattering an indispensable tool for studying biological and colloidal objects, as well as polymers and liquid crystals.
The small-angle scattering was put into operation using the time-of-flight technique first at the IBR-30 reactor and later - at the high-flux pulsed reactor IBR-2 by Yury Ostanevich and his colleagues. The YuMO spectrometer (named after Yu. M. Ostanevich) provides a wide range of systematic investigations in various areas of condensed matter physics, physical chemistry and biology.
The basic components of the YuMO facility are the neutron beam development system, the sample assembly unit and the detector system.
General characteristics # - without cold moderator @ - can be easy changed with collimators with diameters: 8 - 20 mm * - only for estimation (Radii of giration from 200 Å - to 10 Å - Angstroem) ^ - needs special holders for the low and high temperatures measurements. Please contact the your local contact. ** - in special box, using nonstandard devices + - for estimation only *** - Simultaneously in standard Hellma cell or with sample size < 20 mm* 50mm
Flux on the sample (thermal neutrons)
107– 4x107 n/(s cm2) [1]
Used wavelength
0.5 Å to 8 Å #
7x10-3 – 0.5 Å-1
Dynamic Q-range
qmax/qmin up to 100
Specific features
Two detectors system [2,3], central hole detectors
Size range of object *
500 – 10 Å
Intensity (absolute units -minimal levels)
0.01 cm-1
Calibration standard
Vanadium during the experiment [4]
Size of beam on the sample
14 mm diameter
Collimation system
He3 -fulfiled, home made preparation, 8 independent wires [5]
Detector (direct beam)
6Li-convertor (home made preparation)
Condition of sample
In special box in air
low, 5-20%
Temperature range
4oC - + 70oC (standard hellma cuvettes)
-20oC - + 130oC (requires special sample holders)
Number of computer controlled samples
25 ***
Background level
0.03 – 0.2 cm-1
Mean time of measurements for one sample
1 h +
Frequency of pulse repetition
5 Hz
Electronic system
The instrument control software complex
Controlling parameters
Starts (time of experiments), power, vandium standard position , samples position, samples box temperature, vacuum in detectors tube.
Data treatment
SAS, Fitter [7-9]
[1] А.В. Рогачев, А.Ю. Черный, А.Н. Озерин, В.И. Горделий, А.И. Куклин. Модель шаровых секторов для описания экспериментальных данных малоуглового рассеяния нейтронов на дендримерах. Кристаллография, 2007, том 52, ?3, с. 546–550.
[2] Vyacheslav S. Molchanov, Olga E. Philippova, and Alexei R. Khokhlov, Yuri A. Kovalev and Alexander I. Kuklin. Self-Assembled Networks Highly Responsive to Hydrocarbons, Langmuir 2007, 23, 105-111
[3] A. N. Ozerin, D. I. Svergun, V. V. Volkov, A. I. Kuklin, V. I. Gordeliy, A. Kh. Islamov, L. A. Ozerina and D. S. Zavorotnyuk. The spatial structure of dendritic macromolecules, J. Appl. Cryst. (2005). 38, 996–1003.
[4] A. S. Andreeva, A. I. Fomenkov, A. Kh. Islamov, A. I. Kuklin, O. E. Filippova, and A. R. Khokhlov, Hydrophobic Aggregation in a Hydrophobized Polyacrylic Acid Gel Subjected to Microphase Separation, Polymer Science, Ser. A, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2005, pp. 194–201. Translated from Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Ser. A, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2005, pp. 338–347.
[5] A. N. Ozerin, A. M. Muzafarov, A. I. Kuklin, A. Kh. Islamov, V. I. Gordelyi, G. M. Ignat’eva, V. D. Myakushev, L. A. Ozerina, and E. A. Tatarinova, Determination of the Shape of Dendrimer Macromolecules in Solutions from Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Data, Doklady Chemistry, Vol. 395, Part 2, 2004, pp. 59–62. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 395, No. 4, 2004, pp. 487–490
[6] Alexander I.Kuklin, Alexander N.Ozerin, Akhmed Kh.Islamov, Aziz M.Muzafarov, Valentin I.Gordeliy, Eugeniy A.Rebrov, Galina M.Ignat'eva, Elena A.Tatarinova, Ruslan I.Mukhamedzyanov, Lyudmila A.Ozerina and Eugeniy Yu.Sharipov, Complementarity of small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering methods for the quantitative structural and dynamical specification of dendritic macromolecules, J. Appl.Cryst. (2003).36, 679-683
[7] Alexander N. Ozerin, Aziz M.Muzafarov, Valentin I. Gordeliy, Alexander I. Kuklin, Galina M. Ignat’eva, Mikhail A.Krykin, Lyudmila A.Ozerina, Natalia A. Shumilkina, Akhmed Kh.Islamov, Eugene Yu. Sharipov, Ruslan I. Mukhamedzyanov. Structure and Dynamics of Dendritic Macromolecules. Macromol. Symp. 195, 171-178 (2003)
[8]. Alexander I.Kuklin, Alexander N.Ozerin, Akhmed Kh.Islamov, Aziz M.Muzafarov, Valentin I.Gordeliy, Eugeniy A.Rebrov, Galina M.Ignat'eva, Elena A.Tatarinova, Ruslan I.Mukhamedzyanov, Lyudmila A.Ozerina and Eugeniy Yu.Sharipov, Complementarity of small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering methods for the quantitative structural and dynamical specification of dendritic macromolecules, J. Appl.Cryst. (2003).36, 679-683
[9] Yu. D. Zaroslov, V. I. Gordeliy, A. I. Kuklin, A. H. Islamov, O. E. Philippova, A. R. Khokhlov and G. Wegner Self-Assembly of Polyelectrolyte Rods in Polymer Gel and in Solution: Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study Macromolecules 2002, 35, 4466-4471
[10] Kuklin, A. I., Ignat’eva, G. M., Ozerina, L. A., Islamov, A. Kh., Mukhamedzyanov, R. I., Shumilkina, N. A., Myakushev, V. D., Sharipov, E. Yu., Gordeliy, V. I., Muzafarov, A. M. & Ozerin, A. N. (2002). Polym. Sci. A44. N12, c.1-10
[11] J.Plestil, H.Pospisil, A.I.Kuklin, R.Cubitt, SANS study of three-layer micellar particles, Appl.Phys.A 74 S405-S407 (2002).
[12]. Olga E.Philippova, Assol S.Andreeva, Alexei R.Khokhlov, Akhmed Kh.Islamov, Alexander I.Kuklin, and Valentin I.Gordeliy, Charge-Induced Microphase Separation in Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels with Associating Hydrophobic Side Chains: Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study, Langmuir 2003, 19, 7240-7248
[13]. Yu. D. Zaroslov, V. I Gordeliy, A. I. Kuklin, A. H. Islamov, O. E. Philippova, A. R. Khokhlov and G. Wegner Self-Assembly of Polyelectrolyte Rods in Polymer Gel and in Solution: Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study Macromolecules 2002, 35, 4466-4471
[14]. J.Plestil, H.Pospisil, A.Sikora, I.Krakovsky and A.I.Kuklin, Small-angle neutron scattering and differntial scanning calorimetry dtudy of associative behaviour of branched poly(ethylen oxide)/poly(propylen oxide) copolymer in aqueous solution, J.Appl.Cryst.(2003).36, 970-975
Biological objects:
[15] Michael Petukhov, Dmitry Lebedev, Valery Shalguev, Akhmed Islamov, Aleksandr Kuklin, Vladislav Lanzov, and Vladimir Isaev-Ivanov. Conformational Flexibility of RecA Protein Filament:Transitions between Compressed and Stretched States. PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 65:296–304 (2006).
[16] T.N. Murugova, V.I. Gordeliy, A. Kh. Islamov, Yu.S. Kovalev, A. I. Kuklin, A.D. Vinogradov, L. S. Yaguzhinsky, Structure of membrane of submitochondrial particles studied by small angle neutron scattering, Materials structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology, Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association. Materials Structure, vol.13, no 2 (2006).
[17] R. Efremov, G. Shiryaeva, G. Bueldt, A. Islamov, A. Kuklin, L.Yaguzhinsky, G. Fragneto-Cusani, V.Gordeliy. SANS investigations of the lipidic cubic phase behaviour in course of bacteriorhodopsin crystallization, Journal of Crystal Growth 275 (2005) e1453–e1459.
[18] D.V. Lebedev, M.V. Filatov, A.I. Kuklin, A.Kh. Islamov, E. Kentzinger, R. Pantina, B.P. Toperverg, V.V. Isaev-Ivanov, Fractal nature of chromatin organization in interphase chicken erythrocyte nuclei: DNA structure exhibits biphasic fractal properties, FEBS Letters 579 (2005) 1465-1468.
[19]. Daniela Uhrikova, Norbert Kucerka, Akhmed Islamov, Alexander Kuklin, Valentin Gordeliy, Pavol Balgavy : Small angle neutron scattering study of the lipid bilayer thickness in unilamellar dioleoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes prepared by the cholate dilution method: n decane effect. Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 78411 (2003)1-4.
[20] J.Gallova, D.Uhrikova, A.Islamov, A.Kuklin and P.Balgavy, Effect of Cholesterol on the Bilayer Thickness in Unilamellar Extruded DLPC and DOPC Liposomes: SANS Contrast Variation Study, Gen.Physiol.Biophys.(2004)23, 113-128.
[21] D.V.Lebedev, D.M.Baitin, A.Kh.Islamov, A.I.Kuklin, V.Kh.Shalguev, V.A.Lazov, V.V.Isaev-Ivanov. Analytic model for determination of parameters of helical structures in solution by small angle scattering: comparison of RecA structures by SANS. FEBS Letters 537 (2003) 182-186
[22] P. Balgavý, D.Uhríková, J. Karlovska, M. Dubnichkova, N. Kučerka, F. Devinsky, I. Lacko, J. Cizmarik, K. Lohner, G. Degovocs, G. Rapp, S. Yaradaykin, M. Kiselev, A. Islamov, V. Gordeliy “X-ray Diffraction and Neutron Scattering Studies of Amphiphilic- Lipid Bilayer Organization” Cellular and Mol. Biol. Letters 6 (2001) 283-290.
Nanoparticles and materials science:
[23] I.Ion, A.M.Bondar, Yu.Kovalev, C.Banciu, I.Pasuk, A.Kuklin. The influence of nanocarbon-coated iron on the mesophase. Поверхность. 2006, ?6, с.84-88.
[24] E.B.Dokukin, A.I.Beskrovnyi, A.I.Kuklin, Yu.S.Kovalev, M.E.Dokukin, N.S.Perov, Chong-Oh Kim, and CheolGi Kim, Neutron-scattering investigation of Co- and Fe-based amorphous alloys, phys.stat.sol.(b) 241, No.7, 1689-1692 (2004).
[25] Кнотько А.В., Гаршев А.В., Макарова М.В., Путляев В.И., Третьяков Ю.Д., Куклин А.И. Фазовый распад в Pr - содержащих твердых растворах на основе сверхпроводника Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. Материаловедение, 2004, N 2, стр. 2 - 8.
[26] M. Balasoiu, M.V. Avdeev, A.I. Kuklin, V.L. Aksenov, D. Bica, L. Vekas, D. Hasegan, Gy. Torok, L. Rosta, V. Garamus, J.Kohlbrecher. Structural studies of ferrofluids by small-angle neutron scattering, Magnetohydrodynamics Vol. 40 (2004), No. 4, pp. 359–368.
[27].B.Grabcev, M.Balasoiu, D.Bica and A.I.Kuklin. "Determination of the Structure of magnetite particles in a ferrofluid by small angle neutron scattering method." J. of Magnetohydodynamics, 1994, v.30,p.156-162.
Colloids and SAW:
[28] A. Islamov, C.R. Haramagatti, H. Gibhardt, A. Kuklin, G. Eckold, Pressure-induced phase transitions in micellar solutions, Physica B 385–386 (2006) 791–794.
[29] Э.М.Косачева, Д.Б.Кудрявцев, Р.Ф.Бакеева, А.И.Куклин, А.Х.Исламов, Л.А.Кудрявцева, В.Ф.Сопин, А.И.Коновалов. Агрегация в водных системах на основе разветвленного полиэтиленимина и катионных поверхностно-активных веществ. Коллоидный журнал.2006, том.68, ?6, с.784-791.
[30] G.N. Fedotov, Yu.D. Tret’yakov, E.I. Pakhomov, A.I. Kuklin, A.Kh. Islamov, T.N. Pochatkova, Effect of the Soil Water Content on the Fractal Properties of Soil Colloids, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2006, Vol. 409, No. 2, pp. 199–201. Eng.: ISSN 0012-5008, Doklady Chemistry, 2006, Vol. 409, Part 1, pp. 117–119. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006.
[31] G.N. Fedotov, Yu.D. Tret’yakov, E.I. Pakhomov, A.I. Kuklin, A.Kh. Islamov, Temperature Effect on the Evolution of Soil Gels, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2006, Vol. 407, No. 6, pp. 782–784. Eng.: ISSN 0012-5008, Doklady Chemistry, 2006, Vol. 407, Part 2, pp. 51–53. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006.
[32] G.N. Fedotov, Yu.D. Tret’yakov, E.I. Pakhomov, A.I. Kuklin, A.Kh. Islamov, Inhomogeneity of Soil Gels, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2006, Vol. 408, No. 2, pp. 207–210. Eng.: ISSN 0012-5008, Doklady Chemistry, 2006, Vol. 408, Part 1, pp. 73–75. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006.
[33] C.R.Haramagatti, A.Islamov, H.Gibhardt, N.Gorski, A.Kuklin and G.Eckold. Pressure induced phase transitions of TTAB-micellar solutions studied by SANS and Raman spectroscopy. Phys.Chem.Phys., 2006, 8, 994-1000.
[34] Андреева А.С., Фоменков А.И., Исламов А.Х., Куклин А.И., Филиппова О.Е., Хохлов А.Р. “Гидрофобная агрегация в микрофазно расслоенном геле гидрофобномодифицированной полиакриловой кислоты”, Высокомолек. соед., Сер. А. 2005, т.47, ?2, с. 338-347.
[35] Г.Н.Федотов., Ю.Д.Третьяков., В.К.Иванов., А.И.Куклин, А.Х.Исламов А.Х., В.И.Путляев, А.В.Гаршев, Е.И.Пахомов. Фрактальные структуры коллоидных образований в почвах. Доклады Академии Наук, 2005, том 404, ?5 , с.638-641.
[36] Г.Н.Федотов, Ю.Д. Третьяков, В.К.Иванов, А.И.Куклин, Е.И.Пахомов, А.Х. Исламов, Т.Н.Початкова. Фрактальные коллоидные структуры в почвах различной зональности. Доклады Академии Наук, 2005, том 405, ?3,с.351-354.
[37] Jaroslav Kriz, Josef Plestil, Herman Pospýsil, Petr Kadlec, Cestmýr Konak, Laszlo Almasy, and Alexander I. Kuklin. 1H NMR and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Investigation of the Structure and Solubilization Behavior ofThree-Layer Nanoparticles, 11255 Langmuir 2004, 20, 11255-11263
[38]. B.Grabcev, M.Balasoiu, A.Tarziu, A.I.Kuklin and D.Bica, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201(1999), 140-143.
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201(1999), 140-143.