Responsible for the facility
Zhaketov Vladimir
e-mail: zhaketov(at)
Main research areas
- Layered magnetic and superconducting thin films;
- Three-dimensional nanostructures;
- Colloidal solutions;
- Ferromagnetic fluids.
Facility layout
Main view of facility
Main view of facility
Description of REMUR
Description of the spectrometr of polarized neutrons given in works [1-3]. The REMUR reflectometer is designed to study properties of thin films, interfaces in multilayer structures, various types of ordering, self-organization in biological systems, etc. by the method of specular and off-specular neutron reflection from the surface of films. A polarized neutron beam is formed by a neutron-optical system consisting of a set of mirrors and diaphragms that specify necessary collimation and polarization of the beam. In the reflectometer the so-called slit geometry is used, in which a narrow neutron beam 0.1-1 mm wide is collimated by slits in the vertical direction. Neutron scattering occurs in the horizontal plane. Highly efficient adiabatic radio-frequency flippers [4] are used to reverse the neutron spin direction in a wide range of neutron wavelengths (0.9-10 Å). The analysis of polarization of the reflected beam is performed using wide-aperture fan mirror analyzer [5, 6]. The reflected beam is detected by two-coordinate gas 3He detectors with spatial resolution of about 2.5 mm.
Basic Parameters
Sample plane
Scattering plane
Neutron wavelength
0.9 - 15 Å.
Wavelength resolution
δλ = 0.015 Å.
Scattering angle range
1 - 100 mrad.
Sample-detector distance
0.7 - 4.9 m.
Detector spatial resolution
2.5 mm.
Flux at sample for two polarization modes:
two polarizers PR1 + PR2
second polarizer PR2
104 n/(s·cm2)
3·104 n/(s·cm2)
Sample environment
Three-circle goniometer with an electromagnet mounted on top of it and generating external magnetic field in the range 0-20 kOe and making it possible to change the field direction with respect to the sample plane in the range of ± 90°.
There is a set of removable poles with cross sections: 40 × 20 mm2, 110 × 70 mm2 and 60 × 40 mm2.
The maximum magnetic field with a pole gap of 15 mm is 20 kOe for small poles with cross section of 40 × 20 mm2 and 10 kOe for large poles of 110 × 70 mm2.
Cryostat with a vertical magnetic field of up to 3 Tesla and T=1.45-600 K. The maximum sample size is 40x40 mm2.
- V. L. Aksenov, K.N. Jernenkov, S.V. Kozhevnikov, H. Lauter, V. Lauter-Pasyuk, Yu.V. Nikitenko, A.V. Petrenko, The polarized neutron spectrometer REMUR at the pulsed reactor IBR-2, JINR Communications D13-2004-47 (2004) (in Russian and English).
- V. L. Aksenov, V. V. Lauter-Pasyuk, H. Lauter, Yu. V. Nikitenko and A. V. Petrenko, Polarized neutrons at pulsed sources in Dubna, Physica B 335 (2003) 147-152.
- V. L. Aksenov, Yu. V. Nikitenko, Polarized Neutron Reflectometry at IBR-2, Neutron News 16 (2005) 19-23.
- S.V. Grigoriev, A.I. Okorokov, V.V. Runov, Peculiarities of the Construction and Application of Broadband Adiabatic Flipper of Cold Neutrons, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 384 (1997) 451.
- Yu.V. Nikitenko, V.A. Ul'yanov, V.M. Pusenkov, S.V. Kozhevnikov, K.N. Jernenkov, N.K. Pleshanov, B.G. Peskov, A.V. Petrenko, V.V. Proglyado, V.G. Syromyatnikov, A.F. Schebetov, Fan analyzer of neutron beam polarization on REMUR spectrometer at IBR-2 pulsed reactor, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 564 (2006) 395-399.
- V. A. Ul'yanov, Yu. V. Nikitenko, V. M. Pusenkov, S. V. Kozhevnikov, K. N. Jernenkov, N. K. Pleshanov, B. G. Peskov, A.V. Petrenko, V. V. Proglyado, V. G. Syromyatnikov, A. F. Schebetov, A fan analyzer of neutron beam polarization of the spectrometer REMUR at the pulsed reactor IBR-2, JINR Communications E-13-2004-161 (2004).
- O.V. Fateev, G.A. Cheremukhina, S.P. Chernenko, Yu.V. Zanevsky, H. Lauter, V.V. Lauter, S.V. Kozhevnikov, Yu.V. Nikitenko, A.V. Petrenko, A Position-Sensitive Detector for the Polarized-Neutron Spectrometer. Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta 2 (2001) 5-12 (in Russian). Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 44 (2001) 137-143 (in English).