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On 2 March, 2025 one of the honored staff members of the FLNP Vladimir G. Pyataev passed away

Vladimir Pyataev (30.08.1954 – 02.03.2025)

On 2 March, 2025, a chief engineer of the IREN facility, one of the honored staff members of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of JINR Vladimir G. Pyataev passed away.

Vladimir Pyataev came to JINR in April, 1983, after having graduated from the Faculty of Radioelectronics of the Moscow Aviation Institute. During his work in FLNP, he held positions from an engineer to a chief engineer of the IREN facility.

Having worked as Head of Security of IBR-30 for more than ten years, he ensured failure-free operation of IBR-30 with the LUE-40 accelerator. Since 2001, Vladimir Pyataev has successfully performed the duties of chief engineer of the Group of IREN Project Coordination and of responsible chief for the assembly of the LUE-200 accelerator.  In 2009, Vladimir Pyataev was appointed Chief Engineer of the IREN facility.   

Vladimir Pyataev was a highly qualified specialist in the field of high-voltage pulse systems and microwave equipment, had extensive experience in the development, assembly and operation of physical facilities, his contribution to the development of the IREN neutron source is very great.  

For his work, Vladimir Pyataev was more than once awarded by JINR and the nuclear industry prizes.

With his attitude to his favorite work, to his colleagues, he earned deep respect of the whole laboratory staff, colleagues and specialists who he had to work together with.

JINR Directorate, FLNP staff members, friends and colleagues express their condolences and mourn together with the family and friends of Vladimir Pyataev. May the memory of him will live in our hearts forever.