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Competition selection in 2022 for personal scholarships named after Zh. I. Alferov for young scientists in the field of physics and nanotechnology

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, together with the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation, announces a competition selection in 2022 for personal scholarships named after Zh. I. Alferov for young scientists in the field of physics and nanotechnology. Registration of participants of the competition will be open from 12:00 AM 19 April to 2:00 PM 19 May, 2022. For registration and more details, please see:

Candidates for the competition are nominated by the Science and Technology Council or the Scientific Council of JINR. FLNP candidates should first be heard and recommended by STC FLNP. The next meeting of STC FLNP will be held on 29 April (Friday) 2022, at 3:00 PM in the Conference Hall of FLNP JINR (bldg. 119, 3rd floor).