of Neutron Physics

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A competition for F. L. Shapiro Scholarship in 2025 for young scientists is announced

Scholarship applicants should submit applications by 30 November, with a list of published papers over the past 5 years and an abstract in Russian (1-2 pages) representing their personal contribution to these papers. The category which the application is submitted for is to be indicated in the abstract. A recommendation from the group leader or head of the sector is to be attached to the documents. All documents are to be e-filed to the website:

3 F. L. Shapiro Scholarships are awarded annually in the following research areas:

-  UCN physics;

- Polarized neutrons;

- Neutron spectroscopy;

- Methodological support for neutron physics experiments;

- Condensed matter physics.


The scholarship is awarded for 1 year. The scholarship winner is to be younger than 35 (as of 31 December of the current year). The scholarship amount and the number of scholarships for each category may be revised by a joint decision of FLNP Directorate and the jury. The scholarship is not awarded to the same person two successive years.