Seminar SNSCM
03-28-2025 11:00 Conference hall (bldg. 119, 3rd floor)
"Analysis of the dynamics of a rod system"
E.E. Perepelkina,b, M.V. Klimenkoa
aFaculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
bJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow region, Dubna, Russia
The simplest zero approximation of the description of the dynamics of a rod system is considered, taking into account the mutual influence of the nearest neighbors. Within the approximation, the behavior of each rod is described by a 1D/2D oscillator model. For the 1D system, the Toda potential and its extension to the 2D case are accounted. From the point of view of reactor stability analysis, the presence of soliton-type solutions seems interesting. The system dynamics is considered within Hamilton’s formalism.
Numerical modeling with various initial conditions and interaction potentials is performed. The procedure for finding the natural frequencies of the system is described, and an analysis of symmetry groups in phase space is given.