of Neutron Physics

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FLNP SEMINAR, 27.12.23

Тип события: FLNP SEMINAR
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары


12-27-2023 11:00 Conference hall (bldg. 42, 3rd floor)

"Neutrino physics at nuclear reactors"

Evgeny Yakushev (Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems)

A number of scientific discoveries in physics and astrophysics were accomplished thanks to the neutrino. Two major recent breakthroughs: neutrinos have a non-zero mass and there is a significant mixing between individual neutrino mass states. The Standard Model can be further experimentally checked in neutrino studies based on new techniques and using unexplored processes.
The neutrino physics is historically linked with nuclear reactors: most powerful available artificial sources of antineutrinos. Given that neutrinos are only weakly coupled with other particles, a huge reactor antineutrino flux is often the only way to study the properties of neutrinos.
The seminar will be about a general overview of some major neutrino experiments at reactors. Some recent results obtained at experiments conducted with JINR participation will be discussed. The unprecedented percent level precision of reactor monitoring was achieved with using inverse beta processes induced by reactor antineutrinos. The fundamental task of neutrino detection at reactors is now has the new aim: detection and study of nuclear recoils produced by coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering. The aim is in search for New physics at the highest precision.

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