of Neutron Physics

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A competition of research papers for the JINR Prize for 2022

A competition of research papers for the JINR Prize for 2022 is announced in the following sections:

• "Theoretical Physics Research";
• "Experimental Physics Research";
• "Methodology, Research and Technology";
• "Applied Physics Research".

To participate in the competition, one needs to send the copies of published papers in an electronic form to the scientific secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 5 September, 2022.

Additionally, one needs to send in a Word document:
• Title of the research paper or series of works in Russian and English
• The name of the section of the competition for which the research paper is submitted
• Surname and name of all authors (in full) in Russian and English

Do not bring paper versions!