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XVII Baksan School of Astrophysics "Particles and Cosmology"

Тип события: School of Astrophysics
Тип события (для фильтра): Конференции организаций-партнеров

School of Astrophysics

04-03-2025 Elbrus National Park

XVII Baksan School of Astrophysics "Particles and Cosmology", organized by the Institute for Nuclear Research (INR) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and JINR, which will be held on April 3-11, 2025 at the Smile Hotel (Elbrus National Park). The school is located near the ski resorts of Elbrus and Cheget, as well as near the INR Baksan Neutrino Observatory, which creates a unique atmosphere for scientific communication and recreation.

The School is addressed to young postdocs and qualified PhD students. The working language of the School is English.

The scientific program of the school will include four lecture courses:

  • Low energy and low background methods Jianglai Liu (C. Li Institute);
  • Modern statistical methods and tools Grigory Rubtsov (INR RAS);
  • The Anatomy of large neutrino telescopes Grigory Safronov (INR RAS);
  • The origin of the most energetic particles in the Universe (lecturer clarifies).

In addition, participants are expected to:

  • Day at Baksan Neutrino Observatory (guided tour and seminars);
  • Additional lectures on various topics;
  • Practical sessions;
  • Poster session participants will be able to present the results of their research.

To learn more about the School and register, follow the link. The number of places is limited, so we recommend that you register in advance!