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"The most probable nuclear level densities and radiative strength functions from the analysis of the two-step cascade gamma-decay" Sukhovoj A.M., Mitsyna L.V.

Тип события: DNP Seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

DNP Seminar

12-08-2021 11:00 Online

The most probable nuclear-physical parameters (the radiative strength functions and nuclear level density) obtained analyzing the reaction of radiative capture of thermal neutron by a nucleus were collected for 43 nuclei from the 40≤ A≤200 mass region. The empirical method, which is created and developed in Dubna, allows a simultaneous determination of these strong-correlated nuclear-physical parameters from the experimental intensities of the cascades of two sequential γ-transitions between the compound-state (neutron resonance) and a group of low-lying levels of an excited nucleus. The energy dependences of the radiative strength functions and nuclear level density were calculated with the fitted parameters obtained from the best fittings of the model-described intensities of primary transitions of the two-step cascades to the experimental spectra. In the spectra fittings the system of non-linear equations, which connect the experimental intensities with the fitted parameters of the models for both required radiative strength functions and nuclear level density, is Monte-Carlo solved using four pairs of tested models of their energy dependences. The nuclear-physical parameters, which have been extracted simultaneously from indirect experiment, enable to acquire unique information about dynamics of interaction of boson- and fermion-states of nuclear matter. In the paper the results of the empirical analysis for all investigated nuclei are presented.

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