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STC Meeting of DNP, 29.08.24

Тип события: STC Meeting of DNP
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные НТС

STC Meeting of DNP

08-29-2024 11:00 FLNP Conference hall (bldg. 42, 3rd floor)


1. Proposal of interlaboratory activity in the JINR Topical Plan: “Neutron resonance spectroscopy” A. Baldin (VBLHEP), Yu. B. Bazarov (VNIIEF, Sarov), V. N. Shvetsov (FLNP).

2. Elections for the positions of:

2.1. Head of the Sector for Interdisciplinary Research of Cultural Heritage Sites    Applicant: A. Yu. Dmitriev (online report);

2.2. Senior Researcher of SRFPN DNP Applicant: A. Yu. Nezvanov.

3. Report on the results of the PostDoc paper: "Determination of the photo-peak efficiency with application of covariance analysis for 𝛾-ray detectors used in TANGRA project" - Das Pretam Kumar.


All interested staff members are welcome