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"Space nuclear physical instruments for studies of planets and near-Earth space" Mokrousov M.I., "Estimation of water mass fraction in the subsurface substance of Mars based on measurements of neutron albedo of its surface" Nikiforov S.N.

Тип события: Laboratory seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

Laboratory seminar

12-07-2021 11:00 Online

"Space nuclear physical instruments for studies of planets and near-Earth space"
Mokrousov Maxim Igorevich (Space Research Institute, Moscow)

(based on dissertation for degree of Doctor of science)

The author shall present descriptions of innovated nuclear instruments, which have been created under his leadership for studies of neutron radiation of upper atmosphere of the Earth, for studies of neutron radiation of the Mars from interplanetary NASA's spacecraft Mars Odyssey and ESA's spacecraft TGO, for studies of neutron radiation of the Moon from NASA's lunar spacecraft LRO and for studies of neutron and gamma-ray radiation of Mercury from ESA's interplanetary spacecraft BepiColombo.

"Estimation of water mass fraction in the subsurface substance of Mars based on measurements of neutron albedo of its surface"
Nikiforov Sergey Yurievich Space Research Institute, Moscow

(based on dissertation for degree of Candidate of science)

The author shall present results of data analysis, which were measured by the instrument DAN onboard the NASA's Mars rover Curiosity for characterisation of the neutron albedo of the Martian surface. The concept shall also be presented of the perspective instrument ADRON-RM for the similar experiment onboard the ESA's Mars rover ExoMars, for which the author is the leading physicist-experimentator.

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