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"Scattering of polarized thermal neutrons using thin Co/Pt films", Tatarsky D.A. (Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod)

Тип события: TOPICAL SEMINAR on nano-structures
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

TOPICAL SEMINAR on nano-structures

02-19-2024 15:00 NICM Conference hall, bldg. 42а, 3d floor

Currently, thin Co/Pt films with interface-induced Dzyaloshinsky–Moriya interaction (DMI) are of great interest. Thanks to it, monochiral magnetization distributions are carried out in them. At the same time, by changing the thickness of the magnetic layers, it is easy to control the value of the DMI and accordingly, the realized magnetic textures. In thin layers, the DMI is large enough to stabilize 360° Néel domain walls and isolated skyrmions. Such films have been extensively studied using Lorentz microscopy, magnetic force microscopy and X-ray microscopy. As the layer thickness increases, the DMI decreases, that results in the occurrence of chiral magnetization correlations on significant spatial scales (1–10 µm). A micromagnetic model for calculating such correlations in a random polycrystalline film is proposed and the impact of such correlations on the reflection of thermal neutrons is estimated in the report.