of Neutron Physics

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"Neutron diffraction in condensed matter" V. A. Turchenko

Тип события: Meeting of the working group on the scientific program of the new neutron source of the FLNP
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

Meeting of the working group on the scientific program of the new neutron source of the FLNP

10-18-2022 11:00 FLNP Conference Hall (3rd floor)

The modern level of development of neutron diffractometers makes it possible to successfully use the unique properties of neutrons to study the crystal and magnetic structure of bulk materials, to determine the position of light atoms in the environment of heavy ones, and also to study structures containing elements with similar atomic numbers. The neutron diffraction method is indispensable for conducting complex research in condensed matter physics, biology, chemistry, and materials science. It is used for a detailed study of magnetic ordering in crystals, for determining the magnitudes and directions of magnetic moments on specific ions, and also makes it possible to establish a relationship between the structural features of materials depending on environmental conditions (temperature, pressure, magnetic and electric fields). Further expansion of the capabilities of neutron diffraction will be facilitated by the creation of a new high-flux pulsed neutron source - the next-generation reactor "Neptune".