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FLNP STC 19.05.2022

Тип события: Laboratory STC
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные НТС

Laboratory STC

05-19-2022 11:00 FLNP conference hall, 3rd floor

Meeting agenda:

  1. Report on the TANGRA project and a proposal for its extension. Speaker: Yu.N. Kopach.
  2. Report on the project “Modernization of the EG-5 accelerator and development of its experimental infrastructure” and a proposal for its extension. Speaker: A.S. Doroshkevich.
  3. Report on the project "Emission of Neutrons and Gamma-quanta in Reactions Induced by Neutrons (ENGRIN)" and a proposal for its extension. Speaker: Sh.S.o. Zeynalov.
  4. Elections for positions:
  5. Researcher. Candidate for the position: N.A. Fedorov.
  6. Researcher. Candidate for the position: M. Erdauletov.
  7. Miscellaneous.