of Neutron Physics

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FLNP STC, 15.11.23

Тип события: FLNP STC
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные НТС


11-15-2023 15:00 Conference hall (bldg. 42, 3rd floor)


  1. Regulations on patent activity at JINR.
  • Speaker: I. F. Lensky.
  1. Approval of the results of the competition in the field of scientific research and methodology at FLNP.
  2. Nomination of papers by FLNP staff members for the JINR Prize for 2023.
  3. Approval of candidates for positions in the JINR specialized international competition for outstanding young scientists.
  4. Elections for the positions of Junior researcher, DNP FLNP
  • Applicant: A. V. Kravtsova.

All interested staff members are welcome