FLNP JINR – CSNS IHEP (China) Workshop
05-13-2024 9:00 International Conference Centre (2, Stroiteley str.)
Workshop on the neutron scattering technology and multi-disciplinary research
International Conference Centre (2, Stroiteley str.)
13.05.2024 – 15.05.2024
13.05.2024 International Conference Centre (2, Stroiteley str.) (20 min. talk + 5 min. questions) 09.00 – 09.20 Welcome and Opening (the JINR Directorate and Directorate of the CSNS) 09.20 – 09.40 Review report on scientific activities and infrastructure of FLNP Lychagin E. 09.45 – 10.05 CSNS overview Wang Sheng 10.10 – 10.30 Nuclear physics investigations at FLNP Kopach Yu. 10.35 – 10.55 Nuclear data measurement at CSNS Fan Ruirui 11.00 – 11.25 Coffee break, Group photo 11.25 – 11.45 Fourier and Real Time Diffractometry at the IBR-2 and Science Sumnikov S. 11.50 – 12.10 High Pressure Diffraction and Imaging at the IBR-2 and Science Kichanov S. 12.15 – 12.35 Diffraction Instruments at CSNS and Science Yin Wen 12.40 – 13.00 Instruments for Industry Application at CSNS Zhang Junrong 13.05 – 13.25 CSNS II Instruments Liang Tianjiao 13.30 – 13.50 Small Angle Neutron Scattering at the IBR-2 and Science Ivankov A. 13.55 – 15.10 Lunch House of Scientists (Joliot Curie 6, JINR) 15.10 – 15.30 Reflectometry at the IBR-2 and Science Avdeev M. 15.35 – 15.55 Large Scale Instruments at CSNS and Science Ke Yubin 16.00 – 16.20 Inelastic spectrometer at CSNS Zhang Junrong 16.25 – 16.45 Inelastic neutron spectrometer Chudoba D. 16.50 – 17.10 Coffee break 17.10 – 17.30 Sample Environment and Polarizer at CSNS Kang Le 17.35 – 17.55 Cryogenic sample environment systems at instruments at the IBR-2 reactor Chernikov A. 18.30 Welcome party House of Scientists (6, Joliot Curie, JINR) 14.05.2024 09.30 – 09.50 Development of neutron detectors with boron converter in FLNP Bodnarchuk V. 09.55 – 10.15 Development and application of He-3 and scintillation neutron detectors at instruments at the IBR-2 reactor Milkov V. 10.20 – 10.40 Data acquisition system at instruments at the IBR-2 reactor 1 Shvetsov V. 10.45 – 11.05 Data acquisition system at instruments at the IBR-2 reactor 2 Kozlyakovskaya N. 11.10 – 11.30 Coffee break 11.30 – 11.50 Software for data acquisition and instrument control Sonix+ Kirilov A. 11.55 – 12.15 Detector Development at CSNS Liu Hongbin 12.20 – 12.40 Electronics and DAQ at CSNS Liu Hongbin 12.45 – 13.05 Data analysis software and experimental control Zhang Junrong 13.10 – 13.30 Development of cold neutron moderators at FLNP Kulikov S. 13.35 – 13.55 Technological systems of pelletized cold neutron moderators based on hydrocarbons Bulavin M. 14.00 – 15.10 Lunch House of Scientists (6, Joliot Curie, JINR) 15.10 – 15.30 Transfer to the JINR sites. Buses from the Hotel Dubna (2 groups) 15.30 – 18.00 Vizit to the IBR-2 reactor (spectrometers, cold moderators and cryogenics) and to the NEOKS Department / Vizit to NICA -accelerator 18.00 – 18.30 Transfer to the Restaurant Barion, 2, Moscovskaya str. 18.30 – 21.00 Dinner 21.00 Transfer to the Hotel Dubna, 8, Vekslera str. 15.05.2024 09.00 – 09.20 Target-moderator-reflector experience and R&D at CSNS Wen Yin 09.25 – 09.45 UCN source development at CSNS Liang Tianjiao 10.05 – 10.25 UCN source with pulsed accumulation of neutrons in a trap Kulin G. 10.30 – 10.50 Some problems of long-wave neutrons optics Frank A.I. 10.50 – 11.10 Coffee break 11.10 – 11.30 Neutron optics at CSNS Kang Le 11.35 – 11.55 Simulation of neutron instruments Sadilov V. 12.00 – 14.00 General discussion, Signing of Memorandum of Undersatnding CSNS-FLNP, Closing of the Workshop 14.00 – 15.10 Lunch House of Scientists (6, Joliot Curie, JINR)