of Neutron Physics

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DNP Seminar, 15.01.25

Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

01-15-2025 11:00 Conference hall (bldg. 42, 3rd floor)

"Neutron-nuclear data for RDS"
Ruskov I.N. (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Physics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, TANGRA collaboration)

The informational lecture is dedicated to the 104th anniversary of the birth of one of the outstanding Soviet experimental physicists, professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences Yuri Sergeevich Zamyatnin, laureate of the Stalin Prize (1953) for research in the field of nuclear physics related to the development and testing of the RDS-6s product, and the Lenin Prize (1962). For scientific work and the organization of a number of scientific areas for solving problems during the implementation of the USSR Atomic Project, Yu.S. Zamyatnin was awarded four Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the medals "800th Anniversary of Moscow" and "850th Anniversary of Moscow", and the badge "Veteran of Nuclear Power and Industry".
All colleagues are invited!