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"Calculation substantiations of structural concepts of the reactivity modulator and the vessel of the pulsed periodic reactor NEPTUNE", N.D. Kokorin (Leading designer of JSC NIKIET)

Тип события: A workshop of FLNP JINR - JSC NIKIET
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

A workshop of FLNP JINR - JSC NIKIET

04-26-2024 11:00 FLNP conference hall

The NSCM Sector informs that on 26 April (Friday), at 11-00, in the FLNP conference hall a workshop of FLNP JINR - JSC NIKIET will be held on "Calculation substantiations of structural concepts of the reactivity modulator and the vessel of the pulsed periodic reactor NEPTUNE" (under the Research Agreement No. 130-23 of 29.08.2023)
Speaker: N.D. Kokorin, Leading designer of JSC NIKIET.

All interested employees are welcome