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"Actuality of structural and morphological studies for solving modern problems of biomedicine" Yu.E. Gorshkova (FLNP JINR)

Тип события: Thematic seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

Thematic seminar

02-14-2022 15:00 Online

The creation of a new generation of drugs that are effective in the fight against resistant bacteria and cancerous tumors is one of the burning issues of modern medicine, according to WHO. Recently, the synthesis of drugs aimed at solving these problems is increasingly based on the development of biocompatible hybrid nanocomplexes, which include only natural components.
On the example of biohybrid nanocomplexes consisting of liposomes of soy lecithin, chitosan and "green" silver nanoparticles, the potential of using the infrastructure of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics (small-angle scattering, microscopic and spectral methods) is considered to monitor the stability and integrity of promising drugs and adjuvants at the stages of component synthesis nanocomplexes, creation of biohybrids and preclinical trials.

The report will present the results of in vitro tests aimed at identifying the antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiproliferation activity of the developed biohybrid nanocomplexes.

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