of Neutron Physics

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Project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: Development of components of experimental stations on pulsed or constant neutron sources

FLNP JINR developed highly efficient detector of thermal and cold neutrons

Creation of experimental production site of neutron detectors at JINR

Main objectives of the project:
• Development of infrastructure for the development and production of neutron detectors of various functions.
• Design and development of new detectors with a solid-state boron converter for operating and future neutron sources.
• Design and development of new neutron detectors based on various types of scintillators.
• Design and development of new neutron detectors and detector systems with a 3He converter.
• Development and establishment of new neutron scattering stations.
• Design and development of detector systems for enterprises of the real sector of economy.
• Design and development of new types of mechanical neutron beam choppers.
• Simulation of neutron guide systems for advanced neutron sources.
• Training of specialists in the field of neutron scattering and neutron experiment techniques.
• Organizing Schools for young scientists, specialists and students aimed at attracting young people to work in the field of neutron scattering.

Reports on the implementation of the research program:

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Final report