Date and place of birth:
1 April, 1970, Vinnitsa region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR.
1987 – 1993 Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics;
1995 – 1999 Postgraduate course at UC JINR;
1999 Candidate of Physics and Mathematics (“Investigation of the effects of angular anisotropy in fission”).
Professional activities:
1993 – 2002 Junior Researcher, FLNP JINR;
1993 – 1994 Internship at the Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany;
1999 – 2002 Postdoc at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany;
2002 – 2010 Head of the Department of Nuclear Physics, FLNP JINR;
Since 2010 Leading physics engineer at ITEP, Moscow (part-time);
2011 – 2023 Head of SINNI, DNP FLNP JINR;
Since 2023 Deputy Director for Research, FLNP JINR.
Pedagogical activities:
PhD supervisor of 6 PhD and 16 graduation theses;
Associate Professor at Dubna State University.
Scientific and organizational activities:
2001 – 2010 Leader of the topic “Neutron nuclear physics - basic and applied research”;
2011 – 2013 Leader of the topic “Research in the field of neutron nuclear physics”;
2014 – 2016 Deputy leader of the topic “Research in the field of neutron nuclear physics”;
2017 – 2023 Deputy leader of the topic “Research of the neutron nuclear interaction and neutron properties”;
Since 2013 TANGRA Project Leader;
Since 2003 Member of the Science and Technology Council of FLNP;
Since 2021 Chairman of the Science and Technology Council of DNP FLNP;
Since 2023 Member of the Science and Technology Council of JINR;
Since 2003 Scientific Secretary (2003-2011), member of the Organizing Committee of the International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei (ISINN);
2016 Co-chairman of the workshop on the TANGRA project;
2021 Co-chairman of the workshop on application of tagged neutrons method in ecology and industry;
2015-2018 Supervisor of the RFBR Grant “Use of fast neutrons for elemental analysis, investigation of nuclear reactions and cross-section measurements”;
Since 2023 Supervisor of the RSF Grant “Development of a technique for position-sensitive neutron-gamma elemental analysis”.
Scientific interests:
Basic symmetries, fission physics, nuclear structure, neutron-induced reactions, angular correlations in nuclear reactions, tagged neutrons method, neutron and gamma ray detectors, digital electronics.
Scientific papers:
Co-author of more than 150 scientific publications.
Prizes, honorary titles, awards:
- First and Second JINR prizes in the field of experimental physics (2011, 1999);
- 18 FLNP awards in the sections “Nuclear Physics”, “Applied and Methodological Papers” (2003-2023).