of Neutron Physics

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Egor Lychagin

FLNP Director, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics

Date and place of birth:

17 July, 1973, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region, USSR.


1991‒1996 Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Faculty of Experimental and Theoretical Physics;

1997‒2000 Postgraduate course at the UC JINR;

2008 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (“Experimental research of inelastic scattering of ultracold neutrons (UCN) with low energy transfer (~10–7 eV) during interaction with the surface of solids in a gravitational spectrometer”);

2023 Doctor of Physics and Mathematics (“Reflectors of very cold and cold neutrons based on ultradispersed diamonds”).

Professional activities:

1996‒2000 Trainee researcher, FLNP JINR;

2000‒2005 Junior researcher, FLNP JINR;

2005‒2007 Researcher, FLNP JINR;

2007‒2013 Head of Sector, FLNP JINR;

2013‒2022 Deputy Director for Research, FLNP JINR;

Since 2023 Director of FLNP JINR.

Scientific and organizational activities:

Assistant to the leader of the ISTC project No. 2286 “Direct measurement of the n–n scattering cross section at the YAGUAR pulsed reactor” (2002‒2007);

Scientific Secretary of the International Meeting “Research in giant pulses of thermal neutrons from pulsed reactors and in traps of large accelerators” (2005);

Scientific Secretary of the annual International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei ISINN (2012‒2022);

Member of the editorial staff of the journal “Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei” (since 2013).

 Pedagogical activities:

Since 2020 Teacher at Dubna State University;

Since 2020 Teacher at Moscow State University;

2018‒2022 PhD supervisor of two bachelors, a master’s student, a graduate student and a doctoral student of Dubna State University.

Scientific interests:

Physics of slow neutrons, interaction of ultracold neutrons with matter, fundamental properties of the neutron.

Scientific papers:

Co-author of more than 70 scientific papers.

Prizes, honorary titles, awards:

- I. M. Frank Scholarship (2002);

- F. L. Shapiro Scholarship (2006);

- First FLNP Prize for the paper “Investigation of small heating of UCN” (2002);

- Second JINR Prize for the paper “Observation and research of small heating of ultracold neutrons” (2006);

- Second JINR Prize for the paper “Investigation of coherent scattering of slow neutrons on nanoparticles and manufacture of a neutron bottle for cold neutrons” (2009);

- First FLNP Prize for the paper “UCN source on extracted beams of thermal neutrons” (2016);

- First FLNP Prize for the paper “Enhanced targeted extraction of very cold neutrons using a reflector from diamond nanoparticle powder” (2022);

- Honorary Diploma of JINR for many years of fruitful work (2016);

- Gratitude from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (2020).

Grants and projects:

  • Since 2001 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, leader of 7 grants;
  • 2013‒2018 Member of the executive committee of the GRANIT collaboration;
  • 2020‒2022 One of the key representatives of JINR in the CREMLINplus project.