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"Memorial seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of I.M. Matora"

Тип события: FLNP SEMINAR
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары


04-21-2022 10:00 FLNP Conference Hall (3rd floor) and online

1. “Opening speech” V. Shvetsov
2. “Brief scientific biography of I.M. Matora” E. Litvinenko
3. “Microtron-injector for IBR. Preparatory stage of the project for the development of LIU-30” E. Shabalin
4. “Problems of electron beam stability in a linear induction accelerator” S. Rakityansky
5. “Work on the development of LIU-30 and beam tracing experiments” V. Pyataev
6. “Our work together (New control systems of LIU-30)” V. Zamriy
7. “Prospects of using cyclotrons to produce neutron beams” S. Dolya
8. “A few words about the late works of I.M. Matora” E. Shabalin
9. Memories of Ivan Maksimovich.

You can connect to the online seminar by the link 
Meeting number: 826 8812 986
Meeting password: 723484